Kami adalah penyedia Ventilator ICU Portable dan Transport terlengkap dan terpercaya. Bermacam pilihan Model, Tipe dan Merk berkualitas. Bergaransi Resmi.

mv 2000 - EVO 5

SU:M Series MV2000 NEW UPGRADE is EVO 5 Ventilator system becomes complete with 5 in 1 features and New 15″ Color TFT Touch Screen Display, with many added useful functions for successful and adaptive weaning function and assistant functions inacute respiratory care such as Hemo Dynamics (SpO2, EtCO2 Measure-ment) and Lung mechanics.

Additionally, HFV mode of SU:M Series could provide the possibility of a new successful story from premature to adult patient with or without Extra corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO).

MEKICS understands a modern respiratory care system which demands  not only basic ventilation modes but also advanced functions for successful weaning of patient and for supporting clinician as well.


Kaltech – KMI HBC 2 – NEW 2 in 1 High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) & Bubble CPAP in one multifunction device, merupakan alat terbaru yang menggabungkan 2 fungsi alat yaitu High Flow Nasal Cannula dan Bubble CPAP yang biasanya terpisah, mulai saat ini Anda bisa mendapatkan 2 fungsi ini dalam 1 alat. Hubungi Kami untuk informasi spesifikasi serta secara lengkap.


Gerlink High Flow Nasal Cannula – 01 (GLP HFNC-01) merupakan alat terapi oksigen beraliran tinggi. Sistem kerja alat ini adalah aliran tinggi menggunakan tabung venturi yang berbasis pada penyempitan aliran masuk. berguna untuk pasien yang masih dalam kondisi dapat bernafas sendiri, mencegah pasien gagal nafas dan tidak harus diinkubasi menggunakan ventilator invasif.

Alat ini juga dapat digunakan untuk pasien diagnosa paru obstruktif kronik, Restrictive Thoracic Disease (RTD), Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome 5, deformitas dinding dada, penyakit neuromuskular dan Decompensated Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

mtv 1000

MTV1000 Ventilator enables you to provide optimal Respiratory care. It is Portable, light Weight Adult Pediatric Ventilator is used in ICU, Emergency Room, Ambulance and Home Care. MTV1000 Provides Optional functions of Nebulizer. ETCO2 and SPO2. Has the Facility of using High pressure Oxygen/Low Flow Oxygen. With Lab Viewer program, it is easy to maintain the Ventilator.

Philips Trilogy EV300

Transition to the future today with the next generation of Philips ventilators. The Trilogy EV300 ventilator delivers enhanced performance in noninvasive (NIV) and invasive (IV) ventilation, so patients can be treated with a single device throughout their hospital stay, regardless of changing conditions. Trilogy EV300 is designed to stay with your patients, saving your staff time and effort as patients move between hospital departments.


Free maintenance & kalibrasi

Kami berikan Anda GRATIS Kalibrasi dan Pemeliharaan perangkat 1x dalam 1 Tahun

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Garansi Resmi alat 2 tahun

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*Kami juga menyediakan Electromedic Equipment, Electromedic Diagnostic, Unit NICU, Ultrasonografi (USG) Equipment, Laboratorium Equiment, Operation Equipment, Consumables (barang habis pakai), dan Furniture.